Giving Thanks in a Covid-19 Quarantine

I’m writing this blog post from my home office, recovering from COVID-19, quarantining along with the rest of my family.  So far, it seems to be a mild case and that’s something I’m giving thanks for!

Celebrations with extended family are for sure out of the picture for us on Thanksgiving Day. 

Maybe Thanksgiving celebrations are a no-go for you, too.    

There are already so many people sharing ideas for how to make the best of the holidays.

But right now, I think the last thing that you need is one more person telling you to do more or be more or how to do it. 

You’ll figure it out.

I enjoy following Kendra Adachi a.k.a. the Lazy Genius on Instagram.  She’s a self-proclaimed recovering perfectionist and I love her motto: 

Be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t.


That, I can do.

Here’s what Thanksgiving will probably look like for us


That’s what my husband & teenage kids enjoy the most anyway, so we’ll have the usual:   Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes + gravy, roasted Brussel sprouts, and pumpkin pie.  Oh, and “grandma” buns.  It’s a family recipe and no holiday is complete without them! 

Give Thanks

The point of the holiday in the first place.  Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorites.  We’ll attend a church service online, and I hope to spend some time journaling and giving thanks for the blessings we’ve experienced this year.  I’ve definitely done my share journaling / praying about the hard things this year, too, but on Thanksgiving, I want to pause, look & remember. 2020 has been a year of pandemic and worry, and yet I’ve continued to see God’s goodness!

 Take a Nap 

An essential ingredient for any Thanksgiving. 

That’s my LazyGenius plan for Thanksgiving.

I invite you to join me in focusing on what matters to you.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! 

I don’t know where this holiday finds you, but I wish you the joy that comes from looking for and remembering the good. You can still give thanks, even in unlikely circumstances.

Happy Thanksgiving from Michele Rosenboom Design